20 May 2013

Expermental Type Research



This piece someone used ink to paint a gradient on the old factory's windows and then rubbed out the ink to create the letter-forms. This was so that the sun light would change the look of the lettering throughout the day as it shines through. I picked this because I am interested in large scale typography and art installations.


I selected this because of the main typography header and the technique that has been used to get the style.

This would be possible by using a roller or paintbrush to paint the red shape and then placing it over the hand image in Photoshop. The typography looks like it was done with cut out shapes like typesetters printing blocks and then used to stamp on the lettering. This creates a blended rough look to the letterforms and could represent the theme that was based on people living on the limits of society who can’t get job or legal papers.  


Card was used to cut out and create extruded letter-forms.


Experimental Typography///© 2012 Cassie Hester


This is one experimental idea that I really enjoyed, the word in Indian means the smell of rain on dry ground. This is represented by using stencils with water over the top to create the letter-forms and then it will change over the day until it has dried up. I would like to try this out someday to see what other effects can be done. The making of this piece can been seen in this animation: http://typerventions.com/post/26513237849/typeout-2-petrichor-making-of-full-story-here

A set of handmade dried out flower letters based on the Bodoni typeface. 

Random Project 2006_2

This I have picked because I like mixed media pieces and this had some interesting combinations of mixed media typography.

Production of Complex

Production images of the complex experimental animation.

Apple Type

Spontaneous type idea, cutting an apple but I liked the out come.